>  Media Projects   >  Smithsonian / BBC Production about the Copper Scroll

copper scroll production

In 2015 I was honored to appear on a BBC production that aired on the Smithsonian. The subject was the fascinating subject of the Copper Scroll and its treasures.

The Copper Scroll is an ancient Hebrew text that was discovered in 1952 in a cave 1.5 mile north of Qumran. It is unique among the Dead Sea Scrolls in that it is not a literary work, but rather a technical list of 64 underground locations where vast amounts of treasure were supposedly buried. The scroll is made of copper and was likely created in the 1st century CE.

The treasure described in the Copper Scroll is believed to have been hidden by a Jewish sect known as the “Yahad”, who lived in Qumran. The treasure was supposedly amassed during the Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire in the 1st century CE and includes gold, silver, and other valuable items.

Despite numerous attempts to locate the treasure described in the Copper Scroll, none has been successful so far. Many experts believe that the descriptions of the locations are deliberately obscure and that the treasure may have been moved or already looted in ancient times. Nonetheless, the Copper Scroll remains an intriguing artifact and continues to capture the imagination of treasure hunters and scholars alike.

Later I have learned that the program also aired in German –

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