>  Best Private Tour of Jerusalem!   >  Talith Workshop in the Jewish Quarter

Jewish-quarter-talith-workshopFollowing the 1967 Six-Day War, an intense development project took place in the Jewish Quarter, resuming Jewish presence in the old city of Jerusalem. Among others, the sections of the main street of Jerusalem from late antiquity were uncovered – the Cardo Maximus. After excavation and restoration, parts were developed into a commercial street. One of the most unique shops is a talith workshop, which produces hand-crafted Jewish prayer shawls. Joseph, the owner, is happy to demonstrate the hand-operated loom and consult on Talith sets. Especially if celebrating a Bar-Mitzvah in Israel, getting a custom-designed Talith and Tefilin set can be a perfect gift for the Bar-Mitzvah boy.

A visit to the Talith Workshop can be a fun family break during a Day tour of Jeruslem. It can also be set during a Family Bar-Mitzvah tour to Israel.

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