>  Best Private Tour of Jerusalem!   >  The Pool of Siloam – Where Jesus Healed the Blind

pool of siloam 2023

The Pool of Siloam is an ancient water reservoir located at the southern tip of the City of David, near Jerusalem’s Old City. The pool has both historical and biblical significance, drawing visitors eager to connect with the city’s past and the scriptures.

Biblical Ties

The Pool of Siloam may have been in use already in Canaanite times. Isaiah 8:6 and Nehemiah 3:15 indicate its use from the days of king Hezekiah and on. The pool is mentioned again in the New Testament, where it is associated with a miraculous healing performed by Jesus. In John 9:7, it is described how Jesus instructed a blind man to wash in the Pool of Siloam, resulting in the restoration of his eyesight.

Tracking the Pool of Siloam

During the Byzantine period (4th-7th Centuries), a church was constructed at what was thought to be the Pool of Siloam. However, subsequent archaeological research proved that the Pool of Siloam’s actual location was nearby. These excavations also confirmed that the pool was a public ritual bath (Miqveh) that was much more extensive than previously thought.

Visiting the Pool of Siloam

The Pool of Siloam is part of the City of David National Park. It is open Sunday to Thursday 8:00-17:00, and Friday till 14:00. Exploring the Pool of Siloam can be integrated with a tour of the City of David and/or a day tour of Jerusalem.

“The Pool of Siloam is a genuine site for spiritual contemplation. It allows visitors to immerse themselves in the biblical events that unfolded there.”  (Danny “the Digger” Herman)

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