>  Top Tour Destinations in Northern Israel   >  Jordan River Rapids

A 10-mile-long beautiful off-road scenic drive parallel to the rapids of the Jordan River.  The road starts next to the Crusader fort of Chastellet and ends at the mouth of the river at the Sea of Galilee, near Bethsaida. The route passes through several historical monuments, ranging from prehistorical settlements to military posts of 1967. It also included the rusting remains of the unfinished water national project from the 1950s, almost leading to a war with Syria.

Along the route are several incredible panoramic viewpoints of the wild part of the Jordan River and its natural surroundings. At its southern end are a few places to dip your legs, relax, and enjoy the inspiring rustic biblical landscape.

A drive along the Jordan River Rapids can be combined with a day tour in the north.

Email or contact us to inquire more about a private tour along the Jordan River Rapids:

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