‘Leket’ is an Israeli charity institution focused on food rescue (‘gleaning’) for needy people. It is based on the Biblical command that the ears of grain that falls from the reaper’s hand during the harvest must be left for the poor (Leviticus 19:9, Leviticus 23:22). The organization and its volunteers collect from fields, orchards, and packing houses surplus slated by farmers for destruction. In addition, ‘Leket’ has two fields in northern Israel where volunteers grow and harvest 1500 tons of vegetables annually, all for people in need. ‘Leket’ also has agreements with some 300 food manufacturers (hotels, cafeterias, and army bases) to collect surplus hot meals and prepare food for those who can’t afford it. ‘Leket’ offers tourists the option of participating in one of their activities, especially in vegetable collecting in one of their fields.
Such a charitable and educational act is perfect for a Bar-Mitzva or Bat-Mitzvah tour in Israel.