The Megiddo Early Christian Mosaic Floor Exhibited

An Aerial view of the Megiddo Mosaic when discovered in 2005. (c) Museum of the Bible
In 2005, the UN acknowledged Tell Megiddo as a World Heritage Site for its significance in Biblical history and archaeology. Equated in the Christian faith with Armageddon, Megiddo is indeed a site of global magnitude. And as if by divine intervention, in the same year archaeologists made a groundbreaking discovery in the adjacent hill, of great importance in Christian history. Salvage excavations conducted within the compounds of a modern prison opposite Megiddo uncovered a mosaic floor of one of the earliest known Christian prayer halls, dating to the 3rd century CE. Recently, nearly 20 years after its discovery, it was finally removed and flown to the US for its first-ever public display!
The Mosaic’s Features

The commemoration of four women inscription in the Megiddo mosaic. (c) Museum of the Bible.
Found within a 12-rooms private residence in the Roman-period village, this house of assembly is important as it predates the era of purpose-built Christian structures. Being so, it offers a rare insight into early Christian worship practices. The mosaic’s centerpiece is a medallion circling two fish, an early Christian cryptographic symbol. Geometric designs circle the medallion, perhaps imitating a carpet. But the most significant find are three Greek inscriptions arranged within the mosaic. One of the inscriptions praises three women:
“Remember Primilla and Cyriace and Dorothea and more over Chresta”
Primilla, Cyriace, Dorothea, and Chresta may have been members of the early Christian group, or possibly former members who were martyred and the inscription was in their memory. Another inscription praises another woman, Akeptus, for sponsoring the alter of the church-house:
“The God Loving Akeptos has offered the table to the Son of God Christ, as a memorial”
The inscription is probably thanking Akeptos for sponsoring the setting of the altar, whose foundations were found in the middle of the hall. Moreover, these two inscriptions allude to the role of women in this community. However, the third inscription clarifies males were also members of this congression, and that one of them was even an officer on the Roman army!
“Gaianus, also called Porphyrius, Centurion, our brother, has made the pavement at his own expense as an act of liberality. Brutius has carried out the work”
The fact that Gaianus-Porphyrius, an active Roman officer, participated in Christian liturgy is most surprising. In the late third Century CE Christians were targeted by the Roman authorities, and especially those serving in the Roman army. Roman soldiers and officers like Saint George, Saint Theodorus the General, Saint Theodorus the Tiron, and the forty Martyrs, are just some of who the Romans martyred for their Christian faith.
The Fate of Gaianus, and the rest of the Community
Gaianus-Porphrius probably served in the 6th “Ferrata” legion, whose headquarters were in the adjacent valley. Did he sneak from his base to participate in the liturgies of this community? Was his life in danger? One thing is certain – In the late 3rd century, Emperor Diocletian gave the order to relocate the 6th Legion camp to Udruh, in today’s Southern Jordan. This is probably when Gaianus-Porphrius had to leave the congregation, and perhaps when the whole Church-house was abandoned. It seems that the community was dispersed once the Legion left the area, yet they respectfully covered their prayer hall. There is no evidence of fire or violence when the site was abandoned.
Inpact on Christian History
This discovery revolutionizes our understanding of early Christianity in the Holy Land. Dating to before Constantine legalized Christianity, it provides tangible evidence of organized Christian worship during a period when the religion was still technically illegal. The presence of females and a military officer as donors also challenges assumptions about gender and the Roman army’s role in the spread of Christianity. The Megiddo church-house suggests a well-established Christian community living openly enough to maintain a dedicated worship space when Christianity was supposedly prohibited.
The Mosaic Finally Shown to the Public
Nearly 20 years after its discovery, the Megiddo mosaic is finally on public display. It was shipped to the US and is exhibited at the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. until July 2025.

The Megiddo Mosaic on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC. (c) Musuem of the Bible.