>  Caesarea's Main Attractions   >  Caesarea’s Ralli Museum


The Ralli Museum in Caesarea was founded by businessman and banker Herry Recanati. It exhibits a wide range of themes. Firstly,  it has a fascinating collection of archaeological artifacts related to the history of Caesarea. Secondly, it exhibits contemporary Latin American Art in harmony with its design. The museum also has a few exhibitions related to Jewish History and culture. It has an exhibition in commemoration of the Jewish expulsion from Spain, another exhibit focused on perspectives of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, and finally, a selection of 16th to 18th centuries European artists depicting Biblical themes. The museum also presents a selection of modern artwork, including several pieces by Salvador Dali, Auguste Rodin, Arman, and Andre Masson. The museum building was designed in Spanish Colonial Architecture, combined with Moorish style.

Touring Ralli Musuem

The museum is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, from 10:30 to 17:00. Entry is free of charge.

A tour of Ralli Museum can be combined with a day tour of Caesarea and other sites in its vicinity.

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