>  Best Private Tour of Jerusalem!   >  Area G and David’s Palace Foundations

city of David

The search for biblical Jerusalem began in the 19th century, but only after the Six-Day War in 1967 did large-scale excavations begin. In the City of David, the areas to be excavated were labeled by Latin letters. Area G was the name given to the area on the slope above Gihon Spring, which proved to be rich in finds. The expedition found massive support walls to a large structure, possibly King David’s Palace. Above it, they uncovered a two-story house, including a toilet stone seat. Next to it the remains of a house with burnt furniture fragments were unearthed, attributed to the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in 586 BCE. The expedition also found in area G a hoard of stamped seal impressions (bullae). This is an essential testimony to the literacy and administration in Biblical Jerusalem in the 8th to 6th centuries BCE.

Touring Area G

Area G is within the National park of the City of David. It can be accessed from the site’s visitor center. At night part of the City of David Nighttime show is projected over the archaeological finds.

“Finding seal impressions with names of figures known from the Bible, in this royal court (=area G), is simply mind boggling!”   Team member, James Elgrod

Touring Area G can be combined with a guided day tour of Jerusalem that will include the City of David.

Contact us to inquire more about a private tour to the City of David:

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