>  Private tour of Jaffa and Tel-Aviv   >  House of Simon the Tanner, Jaffa

house of simon tanner

The house of Simon the Tanner is a site in Jaffa traditionally associated with the vision of the Apostle Peter. Having historical and religious significance, it is a popular Christian pilgrimage destination.

Simon the Tanner’s house in Christian Heritage

According to the Book of Acts (Acts 10:9-23), the Apostle Peter had a transformative vision in the House of Simon the Tanner. In this vision, a large sheet descended from heaven, bearing a variety of animals, both Kosher and non-Kosher. Despite the mixture, an angel instructed Peter to “rise, kill, and eat” (Acts 10:13). Peter initially resisted, prompting the angel to declare: “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” (Acts 10:15). This event marks a pivotal moment in Christian history, signaling the split from Judaism. It was soon followed by the inclusion of Gentiles in the burgeoning Christian community.

Locating the House

tel aviv 800 600 shutterstockWhile the documented event is well-known, the precise location of Simon the Tanner’s house in Jaffa remains elusive. The script indicates only its proximity to the sea (Acts 10:6). For centuries, an Armenian family has asserted that their property, situated on a hill overlooking the sea, is the historic site. Although it was never excavated or even surveyed, most pilgrim groups favor it to mark Peter’s vision. Alternatively, the Catholics assert their Saint Peter Church, also atop a sea-facing hill, is the true location, although lacking archaeological backing.

Visiting the Traditional Sites

Regrettably, the home of Simon the Tanner house by Armenian tradition is private property and so is not open to the public. Nevertheless, visitors and pilgrims can approach its entrance and reflect on the significance of the event. The Catholic Saint Peter’s Church is open to the public every day of the week from 8:00 to 11:45 and from 15:00 to 17:00. Both sites provide a unique opportunity to connect with the sacred Christian event and contemplate its profound meaning. 

A visit to both sites can integrated with a day tour of Jaffa and Tel-Aviv or as part of an extensive multi-day tour of the Holy Land.

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