>  Top Tour Destinations in Nazareth   >  Mary’s Well in Nazareth

Located in the heart of Nazareth, about 1,200 feet north of the Church of the Annunciation,  Mary’s Well marks the central water fountain of the city in Medieval times and up to the early 20th century. The fountain came from a freshwater spring some 300 feet up the hill. Sections of a water channel between the spring and the fountain are still visible. Associated with Mary by a centuries-old tradition, the fountain is called “The Virgin’s Fountain” or “Mary’s Well”. Furthermore, the Greek-Orthodox church claims that in the spring, the angel Gabriel first approached Mary to announce her miraculous impregnation. Based on the Apocryphal Protoevangelium of James, this tradition led the Greek-Orthodox church to erect a church over the spring – Saint Gabriel Church.

Touring Mary’s Well

marys-well-nazarethLocated on the side of Nazareth’s main Road, the trough-shaped fountain is easily accessed. Sadly, despite the excellent restoration of the structure, it does not always run and is not always clean. Yet even if this traditional site doesn’t hold water (pun intended), it is still well worth a stop while visiting Nazareth, reflecting local traditions related to the Holy Family.

Next to the fountain, in Cactus café, surprising remains of a bath house were uncovered in the 1990s. Its owner claims they date to the time of Jesus. Regional archaeologists say they are from the later part of the Roman period.

A tour of Mary’s Well can be combined with a guided day tour of Nazareth and the Galilee.

Contact us to inquire more about a private tour to Mary’s Well in Nazareth:

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