>  Top Tour Destinations in Northern Israel   >  Mayan Baruch Prehistoric Man Museum

mayan baruch museum

Located in the northern part of the Hula valley, the Prehistoric Man Museum in Kibbutz Mayan Baruch is a lifework of its member Amnon Asaf. Exploring the Hula Valley and the streams that join the Jordan River, Amnon created a vast collection of 140,000 stone tools, ranging from 780,000 to 12,000 years ago. The Museum showcases a wide variety of this collection and other prehistorical artifacts, including several burials.

mayan baruch museum women and dog burialOne of the burials of a woman in her 50s was found with a five-month-old puppy buried next to her. Dating to the Natufian period (about 14,000 years ago), this is among the earliest evidence of dog domestication. The Museum also presents an ethnographic collection of tools of aboriginal groups worldwide, depicting prehistoric cultures. The museum is excellent for history buffs and those interested in Human evolution.

Touring the Prehistoric Man Museum

The museum is open every day of the week from 10:00 to 13:30. It offers guided tours and has an entry fee.

A Mayan Baruch Museum of Prehistory tour can be combined with a day tour in the north.

Email or contact us to inquire more about a private tour to Mayan Baruch Prehistorical Museum:

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