Tel Hazor ceremonial palace

Set on a hill overlooking the Hula Valley and along a vital trade route (the ‘Via Maris’), Canaanite Hazor covered an area of 200 acres. Being so, no wonder the bible labeled Hazor as the “Head of all those Kingdoms” (Joshua 11:10). Nevertheless, Joshua and his forces conquered and destroyed the Canaanite city. (Joshua 11:10-13). The Book of kings indicate Kings solomon, made Hazor one of his regional centers (1 Kings 9:15), yet in the 8th century the Assyrian conquered and destroyed Hazor. Today, Hazor is a national park, presenting significant and fascinating archaeological finds that link to the bible.

History of Hazor

Hazor is mentioned both in early Egyptian and Mesopotamian sources. Mari’s 18th century BCE archive, 30 miles northeast of today’s Baghdad, indicates precious metals, garments, and even musicians from Hazor. Egyptian sources also describe Hazor as a prominent city-state. Yet, despite its size and power, the bible records Joshua’s army conquering Hazor and burning it –

 At that time Joshua turned back and captured Hazor and put its king to the sword. (Hazor had been the head of all these kingdoms.) 11 Everyone in it they put to the sword. They totally destroyed them, not sparing anything that breathed, and he burned up Hazor itself. (Joshua 11:10-11)

However, the Book of Judges indicates that Hazor continued to be a Canaanite city, ruled by a king called Jabin (Judges 4:1). In the 10th century BCE, King Solomon made Hazor among his prime cities (1 Kings 9:15). It remained an important city until its final destruction by the Assyrians in 732 BCE (2 Kings 15:29).

Hazor Uncovered

Archaeological expeditions from the Hebrew University conducted most of the excavations at Tel Hazor. The site proved to bear 21 successive layers of occupation, the earliest dating back to 5,000 years ago. The most significant periods are the middle and late bronze age when Hazor was a Canaanite metropolis. The Israelites also used the city’s acropolis. Among the main finds made in Hazor:

Six-Cambered Gate and Casemate Wall

hazor solomonic gateYadin’s archaeological expedition excavating Hazor in 1955-8 uncovered a six-chambered gate at the entrance to the acropolis. Similar gates were also found in Megiddo and Gezer, matching the biblical description of Solomon fortifying these sites (1 Kings 9:15). For many years, archaeologists and historians argued these finds validate Solomon’s glorious kingdom.

However, nowadays, scholars believe these fortifications should be associated with one of the Israelite kings, perhaps Ahab.

Canaanite-era Ceremonial Palace

This largest-scale public structure from Canaanite times is designed like a palace but has an altar at its front. Found burnt in an enormous conflagration, some suggested attributing its destruction to Joshua, as the Bible attests (Joshua 11:10-11).

Canaanite Archive?

Over the years archaeologists, and even tourists, uncovered some twenty cuneiform in Hazor. Some are legal debates, some tax receipts, and some are prophecies based on liver reading. These documents suggest Hazor once had an extensive archive that might still be found.

Canaanite Temples

The excavations uncovered four temples and several clusters of standing stones (Matzevot) from Canaanite throughout the site. These cultic objects and shrines are fantastic insights into Canaanite worship often denounced by the bible.

A Water Shaft

One hundred fifty feet deep, the water shaft was dug to reach groundwater beneath the city. Dating it is much debated, but most scholars believe the Israelites set the water shaft to last a long Assyrian siege.

The Fortress

Located at the highest point of Hazor, and the fortress dates back to the Israelite period. Its reconstructed entrance, combining big proto-Aeolic capitals, is displayed at the Israel Museum.

Four-Chambered House with an Olive Press

Found next to the water shaft, the building represents domestic architecture from the Israelite period, with a typical internal division into four main chambers. The dwellers of this house also operated an olive press, one of the leading industries in the Holy Land in antiquity. A conservation project included relocating the house to the western side of Hazor’s acropolis.

Tripartite Pillared Building

This building, which dates to the Israelite period, was discovered in the 1920s and functioned as a stable or a warehouse. In the 1990s, archaeologists relocated the building next to the four-chambered house to expose the Canaanite-era layers beneath it.

Touring Hazor

Hazor is a national park open every day of the week and has an entry fee. The site offers only a few signs with explanations and partial shade, which can be significant in summer. Start at the Israelite Gate, go through the Ceremonial palace, and consider walking down the watershaft. Conclude the tour with panoramic views from the Israelite fortress.

A tour of Tel Hazor will be combined with a day tour in the north.

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