>  Best Private Tour of Jerusalem!   >  Tomb of the Prophets in Jerusalem


The Tomb of the Prophets is a large burial cave on the western slope of Mount of Olives. By Jewish and Christian tradition it is the burial site of the biblical prophets Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. Perhaps it was even mentioned in Jesus rebuking of the Pharisees:

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous.” (Matthew 23:29)

The site has 26 burial niches and two adjoining burial caves. Greek inscriptions indicate that the cave was also used for the burial of Christians in the Byzantine period (4th-7th century AD). The property is owned by the Russian Orthodox church, but is maintained by a local Arab resident.who lives near the cave.

Touring the Tomb of the Prophets

The site is accesible by foot from Mount of olives Viewpoint, but is with in a private residental property. It is also locked. The Arab living at the site has the keys, and will also be happy to provide candles, for a humble monetary token of appreciation.

A tour of the Tomb of the Prophets can  be combined with a guided day tour of Jerusalem.

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