>  Places to visit in the West Bank   >  Bethel and Jacob’s Dream Site

Nestling in the pastoral mountains of Samaria, Bethel was a significant site in biblical times. Here, Jacob dreamt of a ladder reaching the heavens (Genesis 28:19) and where the Ark rested (Judges 20:27). Identified at Baytin, some 20 miles north of Jerusalem, biblical Bethel is now buried beneath the modern Arab village, yet its vicinity is some visible remains well worth a visit.

History and Archaeology of Bethel

Bethel is first mentioned in Genesis 12:8 when Abraham pitched a tent and built an altar next to it. Later, in Genesis 28, the bible records Jacob falling asleep at Bethel, dreaming of a ladder reaching the heavens and thronging with angels. In the book of Judges (20:25), Bethel is described as a religious center where the ark of the covenant was kept. Centuries later, after the death of Solomon, Jeroboam crowned himself over the northern tribes and set two religious centers for the worship of golden calves, one at Dan and one in Bethel. 1 King 13 records a man prophesizing that this shrine will be destroyed one day by a king called Josiah. Indeed, 2 Kings 23:15 records Josiah defiling and destroying Bethel’s place of idol worship.

Most scholars identify Bethel and Baytin, an Arab village some 20 miles north of Jerusalem. Excavations conducted at the site uncovered remains from the Canaanite and Israelite periods.

Tour to Bethel

Jeroboam temple bethelToday, there are almost no visible remains of biblical Bethel in Baytin. However, some exciting finds are at the summit of Mount Artas, 1 mile north of Baytin. Facing north is a big stone platform framed by a stone wall, forming a rectangular shape. By local tradition, Jeroboam’s temple stood here. Next to it, the Muslims erected a shrine (Maqam Sheikh Abdallah) over a chapel from the Crusaders’ times. According to local tradition, the chapel marks the site of Jacob’s dream. The site also provides one of the best panoramic views in Israel. The coastline, the Jordan Valley, the mountains of Moab, and even Mount Hermon are visible from here.

A tour of Bethel can be combined with a day tour of Samaria.

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