>  Top Tour Destinations in the Shephela   >  Khirbet Qeiyafa

Perched on a hill in the heart of the Judean Foothills (The Shephelah), Khirbet Qeiyafa is a small yet significant site for studying Biblical Archaeology.

History and Archaeology of Khirbet Qeiyafa

qeiyafa gateKhirbet Qeyiafa is located on a hill north of the Elah valley, a strategic area between Judean and Philistine lands. Being so, it is no surprise that the Battle between David and Goliath took place in this valley (1 Samuel 17). Discovered by chance un a survey, an archaeological team from Hebrew University ecavated Qeiyafa between 2007 and 2013. The excavations unearthed a round fortress covering 6 acres from the 10th century BCE. This is the first and only discovery of a clear fortified site from this period, attributed to the time of David and Solomon’s kingdom. The site yielded many finds, including clay pots of various types, metal weapons, two clay models of shrines, other clay cultic objects, and two inscribed pottery shards (ostraca) written in early paleo-Hebrew.

The lack of pig bones is no less important, indicating the dwellers could not have been Philistines or Canaanites. Was Qeyeiafa an early Israelite fort? and what was its name?

The Riddle of Identifing Khirbet Qeyeiafa

Having two gates, some scholars suggested identifying Qeyeiafa with “Sha’araim,” which means “two gates” in Hebrew. “Sha’araim” is mentioned in 1 Samuel 17:52 and Joshua 15:36; in both cases, it is mentioned near Azekah. Other scholars suggested identifying the site with ‘Aditaim, Azekah, Gov, Netaim, Efes Damim, or Ma’agela.

Either way, most agree that the site provides a significant testimony to the existence of a monarchy in the time of David and Solomon.

2016, the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem prepared a special site exhibition. The video below is a presentation of this exhibition, partially narrated by Danny “the Digger” Herman –


Touring Khirbet Qeiyafa

A dirt road approaches the site from road 38, which is open year-round, free of charge.

A tour to Khirbet Qeiyafa can be combined with a guided day tour in the Judean Foothills (the Shephelah).

Contact us to inquire more about a private tour to Khirbet Qeiyafa:

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