Euthymius Monastery
Saint Euthymius, a leading figure in the Byzantine monastic movement in the Holy Land, established Euthymius Monastery. Euthymius settled in a cave in 420 AD in the northern Judean Desert, halfway between Jerusalem and Jericho. Monks who joined him developed the site into a laura and a conebium monastery. The monastery also accommodated pilgrims from Jerusalem to Jesus’ Baptism site or Mount Nebo. The crusaders also inhabited the site, but later abandoned it.
Several archaeological expeditions excavated the monastery and subsequently developed it for tourism.
Touring the Monastery of Saint Eutyhmius
Today, the Euthymius monastery is in the heart of a commercial and industrial zone of East Jerusalem. Its remains stand out in sharp contrast to the modern development around it. Visiting the site requires pre-arrangement through the National Parks Authority. Most impressive is the monastery’s large-scale water reservoir. Beneath the monastery’s church, archaeologist uncovered several burials, including Euthymius’s tomb, which was revered in antiquity.
A tour to Euthymius Monastery can be combined in a guided day tour of the Dead Sea.