Ofakim is a town in the southern district of Israel, about 25 miles east of the Gaza Strip. It was established in 1955 as an urban center for the rural communities in the area. Its first inhabitants were predominantly Jewish immigrants from Morocco and Tunisia. Initially, Its economy was based on textile plants, but globalization led to their closure in the 1980s.

Hamas Attack on Ofakim 7.10.23

On October 7th 2023, about 22 Hamas terrorists infiltrated Ofakim in two vehicles. They intended to attack the local police station but failed in their navigation and reached a Kramim neighborhood instead. They indiscriminately shot civilians in Hagoren Street, Hatamar Street, and KHita Street. Policemen and armed individuals battled them and killed most of the terrorists.

The rescue of David and Rachel Edri

Five terrorists entered Rachel and David Edri’s house and held them as hostages. The police surrounded the house, but breaking in could have led to their death. Knowing Arabic, Rachel communicated with the terrorists, calmed them, and even fed them. She also managed through a hand gesture to inform the police how many terrorists were in the house. After 17 hours, the police broke in, successfully killing all the terrorists and freeing the elderly couple.

A tour of Ofakim and a visit to Rachel’s house can be integrated into a day tour around Gaza Strip.

Email or contact to inquire more about a private tour around Gaza Strip:

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