>  Must See Sites in Petra   >  Petra Night Tour

Exploring Petra during the day is an exciting destination that every traveler should experience. But if you are happened to stay for the night in Wadi Musa you might also consider joining the Petra night Tour. The activity takes place three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday), and involves a dramatic walk along Petra’s canyon (the Siq), to its famous first tomb facade (Al-Khazneh). Here, while you are seated, 1,500 candles illuminate the ‘treasury’ in a special and mystical way. The ‘show’ itself is live Bedouin music played by a Rababah (a single-string instrument) and a Bedouin flute, accompanied by some chanting and basic explanations.

Booking the Petra Night Tour

Petra Night Tour takes place three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It begins at 20:30 and ends around 22:30.

Petra Night Tour can be combined with a tour to Petra.

Contact us to inquire more about a private tour:

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