>  Top Jewish Tour Destinations in Israel   >  Elijah’s Cave

elijah cave haifa

Almost hidden under the tip of Mount Carmel, ‘Elijah’s Cave’ is, by a centuries-old tradition, where Elijah hid from Queen Jezebel (1 Kings 19). The site has been revered since the Byzantine period, possibly even earlier. Today, it is holy for Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Druze. Dozens of names, written mainly in Greek, and two drawings of a seven-branch Menorah attest to pilgrimage to the site in antiquity. The first historical source to mention the cave, Benjamin of Tudela, records it in the 12th century as close to where Elijah confronted the Ba’al Prophets.

By Christian tradition, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus sheltered in this cave upon their return from Egypt (Matthew 2).  The Muslims and the Druze associate the cave with el-Khader, the Muslim parallel figure to Elijah. In the 17th century, the Carmelites tried buying the plot, but failing to do so, they settled above the cave. Associating a different cave with Elijah, they built a monastery called Stella Maris.

Touring Elijah’s Cave

Today, Elijah’s cave is mainly visited by religious Jews, and so it appears like a synagogue. But it is open for all, Sunday through Friday, free of charge. There is no proper parking next to the cave, but it is a short walk from Haifa’s National Maritime Museum. It can also be reached by foot if hiking down the beautiful path from Stella Maris. Being a holy place, visitors are expected to dress modestly, and men are to cover their heads.

A visit to Elijah’s Cave can be combined with a day tour to Caesarea and Haifa or a day tour in the north.

Contact us to inquire more about a private tour to Elijah’s Caves:

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