Tiberias Tour Sites
Founded in the fist century next to the Sea of Galilee, Tiberias is a regional center in northern Israel. Renowned for its Roman-era remains and stunning lake views, the city offers a rich blend of historical sites and a vibrant cultural scene.
History of Tiberias
Herod Antipas founded Tiberias around 20 AD and named it in honor of the emperor Tiberius (14-37 AD). After the conquest and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, Tiberias became the most prominent and influential Jewish center in the Holy Land. Rabbis compiled the “Jerusalem Talmud,” one of the most important codes of Jewish Law, in Tiberias, as well as the diacritics for Hebrew writing (niqqud). During the 4th-5th century, the Sanhedrin (the court for Jewish Law) also operated in Tiberias.
During the Crusaders period, Tiberias was the capital of the principality of Galilee. In 1187 AD, the critical battle at Horns of Hattin began with a Muslim siege on Tiberias. In the 18th Century, Tiberias became a self-governed city by an Arab Beduin named Daher el-Omar and later a mixed Jewish-Muslim city. Repeated Muslim-Arab violence in the British Mandate period led to their clearance in the 1948 Israeli-Arab War.
Tiberias Archaeological park
Tiberias’ center in Roman to Early Muslim times lies in an area south of its cemetery today. Ongoing excavations have uncovered a theatre, a bathhouse, public buildings, part of the city’s main street (Cardo Maximus), and a grand mosque. On a cliff above (Mount Berenice), archaeologists uncovered a big church commemorating a stone anchor.
Tiberias and the New Testament
Although mentioned in the New Testament only twice, the centrality of Tiberias is evident. In the Gospel of John, the Sea of Galilee is even called the “Sea of Tiberias” (John 21:1), alluding to the centricity of Tiberias. And yet, the Gospels do not record Jesus visiting Tiberias, even once. It appears Jesus deliberately avoided going to Tiberias, perhaps wishing to abstain from confrontation with local administration representatives such as police and army. He was, after all, trying to spread the message of the kingdom of Heaven in a culture that allowed only one kingdom, the Roman Empire. Today, Tiberias holds a few Churches. Located in front of the Scottish Hotel, Saint Andrews Church belongs to the church of Scotland. In the Southern end of the City, The Greek-Orthodox maintains a monastery. In the heart of the modern city is a Catholic church devoted to Saint Peter.
Touring Tiberias
Today, Tiberias is known mainly for its hotels and a humble tourism center. Along the waterfront promenade, the pedestrian mall (midrahov) invites tour groups to local pubs and restaurants, spread amidst religious buildings such as the Abulafithe Synagogue, Saint Peter’s Church, and the Ottoman-era (now abandoned) mosque. Its northern end leads to the remains of Tiberias’ Medieval fort, whose origins go back to the time of the Crusaders.
Visit Jewish Sages’ Tombs in Tiberias
Tiberias has quite a few tomb marks, which, by local tradition, are the burials of various Jewish leading figures. Among them are the Tomb Mark of Maimonides, the tomb mark of Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai, the tomb mark of the “Shala Hakadosh”, the Tomb Mark of Rabbi Akiva, the Tomb Mark of his wife Rachel, the Tomb Mark of Rabbi Me’ir Ba’al Hanes, and the Tomb Mark of the Matriarchs.
This can be combined with a day tour in the north, visiting the tombs of Jewish Sages in Safed and the tomb of the Rashbi near Meiron.
Touring Tiberias can be combined in a guided tour of the North.